Who Enforces The Building Standards Codes ?
Local jurisdictions are responsible for enforcing the Building Standards Codes except for public hospitals, state buildings, public colleges and universities, public schools, and jails, which are permitted and inspected by the Division of the State Architect (DSA).
Who Can Amend The Building Standards Codes ?
The Building Standards Codes have 12 parts in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations that apply to all building occupancies and related features and equipment, including structural, mechanical/ electrical/ plumbing systems, energy conservation, green building design, fire/ life safety, and disabled accessibility. The Parts are triennial editions of national model codes with statewide amendments. The Building Standards Commission’s legislative process amends the model codes every 3 years. Other state agencies may also amend the Codes – Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), Division of the State Architect (DSA), Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), Office of the State Fire Marshal (SFM), California Energy Commission (CEC), Department of Public Health (DPH).
Jurisdictions may make administrative amendments (e.g., fees) and technical amendments (e.g., curbless showers) within 6 months following the publication of the state amendments. Technical amendments must be based on local topographic, geologic, or climatic conditions, and can be no less stringent than the Codes’ regulations.
When Are The New Codes Effective ?
The new editions of the Building Standards Codes are effective statewide 6 months after publication by the Building Standards Commission. The California Health and Safety Code provides that new building permits are subject to the edition of the Code in effect at the time an application for a building permit is submitted to the jurisdiction.
Check the Links below and your local jurisdiction’s website for additional information.
Building Standards Commission
Information Bulletins
BSC 2015 Code Advisories