Debris Recycling

CalRecycleEPA-LogoLA-SanitationLogoWhat Is Construction and Demolition Debris ?

Common debris materials include lumber, gypsum wallboard, metals and appliances, masonry (brick and concrete block), asphalt roofing and paving, concrete and reinforcing steel, carpet, paint, plastic, pipe, rocks, rock and soil, paper, cardboard, and vegetation related to land development.  Of these, metals are the most commonly recycled material while lumber still goes to a landfill.

Why Must Debris Be Recycled ?

The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 created the California Integrated Waste Management Board and statutory standards in the Code of Regulations – Titles 14 and 27 which regulate firms that receive, store, handle, transfer, or process construction and demolition debris.  The objective of the Act was to reduce the amount of material going to landfills by reclaiming and recycling debris for reuse as building materials.  Jurisdictions have adopted local regulations which supplement and implement guidelines of the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).  Local Enforcement Agencies are required to adopt Integrated Waste Management Plans.

Check the Links below and your jurisdiction’s website for additional information.




US Environmental Protection Agency