Here’s your chance to rate your Building /Planning Department. We will post your comments and suggestions, but we will remove your name and your photo ( if you accidentally upload a photo). You will remain anonymous. Only the name of your jurisdiction will be listed. Let your Building /Planning Department hear your concerns, or let them know what they are doing right. Public and Employee feedback is an important element in determining a Department’s long range goals.
This page is also for people that work in Building/Planning Departments in the State. This is your chance to let management know how you feel about the organization and the direction that your Department is headed. Again, you will remain anonymous. It is not just for complaints, but for suggestions and compliments as well. Sometimes the inside view can be very revealing.
We also encourage those who work in each jurisdiction’s Building/Planning Department to reply to these posts for direct feedback to both positive and negative comments.
Be sure to include the name of your jurisdiction!
Write on!!!